Zeri Silania
"There is no forbidden knowledge. Just knowledge that is feared by others." -Zeri
The Nitty Gritty
Age: 32
Race: Xaela, Mok tribe.
Home: Ul'dah
Job: Sanctioned Void Researcher and Practitioner, Hunter, Courtesan.
Sexuality: Poly/ Pan
Personality: Generally friendly and easy going. Not easily agitated but when she is.. Watch out!
A bit of backround
Zeri was born within the Azim Steppe but grew up following her father where ever his research took him, traveling around the world. This unfortunately caused her to know very little about her heritage. He had published many books which are housed within the Thaumaturgy guild of Ul'dah. Unfortunately, his research got the unrelenting attention of the Garlean Empire. Events that followed, lead to her fathers death.Not many years after living with her mother, the Garleans came back, trying to pry any information from the two women about the research into the void. Neither of them would budge.
With nightfall came great torment, Zeri was thirteen at the time. The group of Garlean soldiers restrained the young teen, making her watch as her mother was burned alive within their home.The soldiers had given Zeri a choice: Join them or be left alone in the desert. She chose to try and escape, to no avail.
A lieutenant stepped forward from the crowed of men, personally beating her to the brink of death. Before the lieutenant ordered the men away, he used his magic to integrate an a microchip of Alleg design into the base of her spine. Which would eventually twist her into something sinister, a voidsent.Two long days had passed before the Thaumatury guild found Zeri in the desert. She was immediately brought to Ul'dah and treated by the best healers in the city. Once recovered Zeri was trained to be the guild's soldier. She also spent a lot of her teen years out to fend for herself when she wasn't in the company of the thaumaturgists.
As she grew older the voidsent within her became ever more powerful before it fully melded with Zeri. Now, she spends her days as a hunter taking on bounties, or indulging in the company of others while captivating them with her dancing but has also been known to involve herself in things of the criminal nature.
Bounty hunter: Need a beastie or individual taken out? Perhaps your a fellow hunter? Rival? Target?Mage/Researcher Zeri practices a wide variety of magics and has put a lot of research into the different schools.
Moks Her family was a part of the tribe but knows very little about it, even the simple name of the tribe itself. She would love to learn more.
Void Zeri is both a voidsent and a void mage. If you sense her, send me a tell!
Shady For those who are involved in criminal behavior, this little Auri may be willing to work with you.Note I'm willing to work with just about anything story wise. Feel free to send me a tell if you wanted to plan something. Walk ups and Tells welcome for Rp.